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Algumas das publicações recentes da área de Gestão & Inovação do PEP-Coppe/UFRJ são:

XAVIER, A.F.; VALLE, W.A.; DE SOUZA, M.A.; DUARTE, F.J.C.M.; LIMA, F.P.A. Searching for a sustainable economy: Work, cooperation, and territorial solutions. WORK-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, v. 77, p. 359-375, 2024.

BARRETO, GUSTAVO S. D. ; BUZZANELL, PATRICE M. ; CIPOLLA, CARLA M. . Brazilian White-Collar Employees? Discourses of Meaningful Work and Calling. Management Communication Quarterly, v. 1, p. 089331892211213, 2022.

CUNHA, L.R.A.; ANTUNES, B.B.P.; RODRIGUES, V.P.; CERYNO, P.S.; LEIRAS, A. Measuring the impact of donations at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Annals of Operations Research, v. 1, p. 1, 2022.

FONTAINHA, T.C.; SILVA, L.O.; LIRA, W.M.; LEIRAS, A.; BANDEIRA, R.A.M.; SCAVARDA, L.F. Reference process model for disaster response operations. International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications, v. 25, p. 1-26, 2022.

FONTAINHA, T.C.; LEIRAS, A.; BANDEIRA, R.A.M.; SCAVARDA, L.F. Stakeholder satisfaction in complex relationships during the disaster response: a structured review and a case study perspective. Production Planning & Control, v. 33, p. 517-538, 2022.

ALMEIDA, D. P. ; RENAULT, T. B. ; ANGELKORTE, G.B ; FONSECA, M. V. A. ; Yates, S. . Particularities in financing tools: A case study of an Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Revista De Administração, Sociedade e Inovação, v. 6, p. 134-142, 2020.

XAVIER, A. F.; REYES, T. ; AOUSSAT, A. ; LUIZ, L. O. ; SOUZA, L. M. . Eco-Innovation Maturity Model: A Framework to Support the Evolution of Eco-Innovation Integration in Companies. Sustainability, v. 12, p. 3773, 2020.

AVELINO, F.; DUMITRU, A.; Cipolla, C.; KUNZE, I.; WITTMAYER, J. Translocal empowerment in transformative social innovation networks. European Planning Studies, v. 27, p. 1-23, 2019.

BELLIDO, M. M. H. ; MENDONÇA, HUDSON L. ; FONSECA, M. V. A. ; BRANCO, D. A. C. ; PEREIRA JUNIOR, A. O. . Maturity-based analysis of emerging technologies in the Brazilian Power Sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 243, p. 118603-118603, 2019.

CUNHA, L.; CERYNO, P.; LEIRAS, A. Social supply chain risk management: A taxonomy, a framework and a research agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 220, p. 1101-1110, 2019.

OLIVEIRA, F.N.; LEIRAS, A.; CERYNO, P. Environmental risk management in supply chains: a taxonomy, a framework and future research avenues. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 232, p. 1257-1271, 2019.

CIPOLLA, C. Designing for Vulnerability: Interpersonal Relations and Design. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, v. 4, p. 111-122, 2018.

MENDONÇA, HUDSON L. ; VAN ADUARD DE MACEDO-SOARES, T. DIANA L. ; FONSECA, MARCUS VINICIUS DE A. . Working Towards a Framework Based on Mission-Oriented Practices for Assessing Renewable Energy Innovation Policies. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 193, p. 709-719, 2018.

FONTAINHA, T.C.; LEIRAS, A.; BANDEIRA, R.A.M.; SCAVARDA, L.F. Public-Private-People Relationship Stakeholder Model for disaster and humanitarian operations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, v. 22, p. 371-386, 2017.

XAVIER, AMANDA F.; NAVEIRO, RICARDO M.; AOUSSAT, AMÉZIANE; REYES, TATIANA . Systematic literature review of eco-innovation models: Opportunities and recommendations for future research. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 149, p. 1278-1302, 2017.

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